Menentukan Justified and Unjustified Opinion : Critical Reading

Dalam Critical Reading, ada yg dinamakan Justified and Unjustified Opinion. Dimana yang dibicarakan ini, adalah bagaimana kita menentukan jenis opini yang tedapat dalam suatu paragraf.

Bringing the candy to the univers is the most silly idea. Cause candy isn't necessary thing, Astronaut isn't interested to bring it.

1. Justified Opinion

Dalam sebuah paragraf biasanya penulis menyelipkan sebuah pendapat atau opini, dimana dalam hal ini terdapat dua jenis opini yaitu  Justified and Unjustified Opinion. Justified Opinion adalah opini yang terdapat dalam sebuah paragraf dimana opini itu di ikuti atau didukung dengan beberapa fakta untuk meyakinkan pendapat atau keyakinan si penulis.


Television is one of the most booming products of technologies in the world. Its broadcasting began in the united states and great britain in the 1930s, but its development was halted by world war II. Soon when the war ended, television became a worldwide medium of entertaiment and information. The number of sets in the US rose from 1 million in 1949 to 10 million in 1951. By the end of 1960s, most countries had some kind of television broadcasting. By 1980, there were over 400 million sets in the world.

Dalam contoh diatas, "Television is one of the most booming products of technologies in the world." merupakan ide pokok yang berupa kalimat opini dimana di dukung oleh banyak fakta yaitu,

"Its broadcasting began in the united states and great britain in the 1930s, but its development was halted by world war II. Soon when the war ended, television became a worldwide medium of entertaiment and information. The number of sets in the US rose from 1 million in 1949 to 10 million in 1951. By the end of 1960s, most countries had some kind of television broadcasting. By 1980, there were over 400 million sets in the world."

Oleh karena itu opini ini di sebut dengan Justified Opinion.

Dalam menentukan Justified atau Unjustified Opinion dalam suatu paragraf, perlu dikatahui Ide pokok atau topic sentence-nya terlebih dahulu. karena Ide pokok atau topic sentence tersebutlah yang akan kita analisis termasuk dalam jenis opini manakah ia.

2. Unjustified Opinion

Berbeda dengan sebelumnya, Unjustified Opinion adalah keadaan dimana sebuah Opini kurang bahkan tidak diikuti atau didukung dengan beberapa fakta. 


It's just not fair for smoker to be allowed to smoke when non-smokers are present; there should be more regulations forbidding people to indulge in smoking if nonsmokers are present. In a recent study, the American Cancer Association has reaffirmed and stengthened its original position on smoking cigarettes. There is a clear-cut link between smoking cigarettes and the incidence of lung cancer. In adittion, smokers are three times more likely to get heart disease and emphysema.

Dalam paragraf ini, "It's just not fair for smoker to be allowed to smoke when non-smokers are present; there should be more regulations forbidding people to indulge in smoking if nonsmokers are present."  menjadi topic sentence atau ide pokoknya. Mengapa ia dikategorikan sebagai Unjustified Opinion karena setelahnya ia tidak didukung dengan fakta yang kuat.

That's all Folks!
Oh ya! kritik dan saran terbuka lebar, kalau kamu masih kebingungan kamu bisa bertanya di kolom Komentar.


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